Is CBD Oil for Pets Recommended?

Is CBD Oil for Pets Recommended?

According to a recent UK survey, many households have pets. This includes 13.5 million with dogs and 12.5 million households enjoying the companionship of cats. Many are thrilled to have a furry friend roaming about the house, but pets can also be quite a handful, with high energy levels to say the least!

Therefore, pet owners often think of the best and most creative ways to keep them as calm as possible. Because of its reported benefit in helping humans relax as part of a daily routine, CBD is highly regarded as a food supplement product. But could CBD oil be suitable for our pets?

Is CBD Safe for Pets?

The first thing you need to know is whether Cannabidiol (CBD as it's often referred to) is safe for your pets.

This is a question people ask regarding their safety, as CBD remains a relatively new concept. The product – classed as a food supplement - is regulated by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and sold throughout the UK in shops and online.

However, taking this limited understanding from a handful of medical studies and incorporating that into our pets' diets is another story.

Two Cats With Person Holding Bottle of CBD

What Do British Laws State About Giving CBD to Pets?

To be sold in the UK and given to any animals, from a legal standpoint all products must be authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD). Although technically the VMD recognises any veterinary product containing CBD as a viable product, they cannot be sold because medicines including CBD require marketing authorisation.

VMD have confidence that CBD could be therapeutic to animals in the same way CBD products can benefit humans, but until similar strict regulations are in place as they are for humans, from a legal obligation it’s simply not possible.

Should you see any CBD oils marketed to be specifically sold for pet use, this is an unauthorised and illegal product which should be avoided for the sake of the animal's safety.

Can Human CBD Oil Work for Pets?

This advice doesn’t mean it’s not possible to get CBD oil for your pet. You would just be purchasing CBD intended for human consumption. CBD is often looked at by potential customers to treat dog or cat anxiety in particular. But giving CBD to your pet through legal means will require a visit to a vet, who could prescribe CBD. VMD recommends this via the government’s website:

“As there are currently no CBD products authorised in the UK for veterinary use, a veterinary surgeon may prescribe a legally obtained human CBD product under the provisions of the prescribing cascade.”

Is it Dangerous to Give CBD to Dogs or Cats?

Regarding giving CBD to pets, the reaction is unknown, and so is advice on the best course of action. Neither the VMD or FSA has given guidelines suggesting how much CBD to give an animal and how your pet could react.

THC, which causes the high when found in cannabis (the same plant CBD is extracted from) is expected to be under the legal maximum of 0.2% with all regulated CBD products in the UK for human consumption.

What we do know is any amount of THC found in CBD can be toxic to animals. Therefore, until it’s recognised and passed as government legislation what can be given to pets unless prescribed by an authorised veterinarian, it’s much safer to avoid giving your pets any CBD products intended for human consumption.

Side effects of CBD oil can include drowsiness, stomach issues, vomiting or diarrhoea, which is what we want to avoid at all costs with our pets.

What’s important to understand is that CBD is not proven beyond certainty to medically help humans with issues such as anxiety or inflammation. Studies show it has the potential to positively impact people in their daily routines, but further research is needed to know for sure.

And the FSA is much further along in understanding daily recommended maximum dosages, based on factors such as body weight and gender. This is understood based on human assessments and calculations only.

Various CBD products boxes and bottles

Final Thoughts

  • There are no CBD products available from websites or shops/supermarkets that are specifically made for animals.
  • If you wish to give your pet CBD, consult your doctor to discuss reasons for doing this and whether they think from a medical standpoint it is worthwhile.
  • Consider that any CBD could mix with enzymes in the body or other medicines the animal may be taking and cause distress to your pet.
  • For more information on buying CBD products and what is the best course of action for your pet, read the latest GOV UK advice.

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