CBD is used worldwide, growing in popularity and potentially creates a feeling of relaxation, helps with muscle soreness and even could reduce the possibility of insomnia for those who struggle to sleep. There are tons of different CBD product types, meaning a variety of ways to ingest CBD into the system. One of the most intriguing methods is with a CBD vape.
In this guide, we explain everything you know about using a CBD vape, including the effect it can have on the body and mind, its short and long-term impact, plus highlight whether it’s legal in the UK.
What is a CBD Vape?
A CBD vape is an electronic device that holds CBD (cannabidiol) e-liquid, which is then vapourised into the lungs and exhaled back out. It’s the same hand to mouth action as vaping nicotine e-liquid kits but CBD vapes serve a different purpose entirely.
CBD vapes are completely legal in the UK and regulated by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), who monitor whether devices are within the legal maximum limit of CBD per unit. You can pick between a disposable CBD vape, which is ideal for beginners who don’t want to fuss with setup, or a refillable vape kit where you can add CBD e-liquid yourself.
It’s important to do a little research on the company you are thinking of purchasing from, reading customer reviews and checking it’s a registered business that can sell CBD products before buying CBD, so there is no doubt that you’re purchasing a legal CBD product.
CBD Vape Benefits Explained
Each year more people are becoming aware of CBD products as we are witnessing greater levels of research into CBD products and their reported benefits. From chronic pain to anxiety, studies do show the potential positive impact of CBD on the mind and body to support conditions such as these.
The benefits of a CBD vape can vary greatly, depending on where the product is sourced, the kind of ingredients used and the reaction from the individual inhaling the CBD vapour.
As research has highlighted so far, CBD vaping is the fastest method to get CBD into the body. The speed of that depends on the strength and the individual factors of each person taking CBD, such as their weight, height, diet and gender.

Does a CBD Vape Work?
We know CBD vapes work without a doubt because it has been approved for sale by the FSA and sold throughout the UK in shops and online. CBD enters the bloodstream through the various blood vessels in the lungs, creating the fastest route for the body to recognise CBD in the system.
A CBD vape in comparison will enter your system in just fifteen to thirty minutes before beginning to work. You will feel the effect of CBD much quicker but it will not stick around as long. CBD vape strengths can vary between 100mg to 2000mg, with each device offering a different amount of puffs per filled e-liquid tank or pod.
The time it takes for your body to feel CBD depends again on the individual but can start working from the second hour to roughly six hours. With other methods like gummies, CBD creams or CBD oils, the method is longer lasting but takes more time to work through the system.
Is Vaping CBD Addictive?
It’s important to understand that CBD vapes are not addictive. Unlike nicotine vapes, they do not contain an addictive substance like nicotine, or the THC found in cannabis which is also addictive.
What people may find addictive with CBD vaping is the habit and the amount needed to feel an impact, depending on the person’s need for CBD and what they hope to achieve from vaping CBD.
For instance, if you vape CBD before going to bed to relax and to keep it as part of your routine to try and tackle insomnia, you may puff more frequently during that time but not as much throughout the day.
However, if you suffer from anxiety or chronic inflammation and can feel a positive impact from CBD but struggle with issues like these daily for long spells, you may be tempted to vape more CBD to partially combat these medical conditions.
What we advise is to start on a lower CBD strength to vape such as 300mg and see how you feel, as this lower strength will not feel too overwhelming. Work your way up the strengths over a sustained period to see if it makes you feel a different sensation and make a journal of these thoughts. Jot down the different times of the day you have vaped CBD and adjust the strength or frequency accordingly.
CBD Vape Side Effects
As reported by various health websites, CBD is still a relatively new food product. And therefore, it could be decades before we understand the benefits or side effects with 100% certainty.
However, for now, we can use medical advice and studies to highlight the potential side effects that can occur from vaping CBD, such as:
- Drowsiness
- Dry mouth
- Dizziness
- Changes in appetite
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Nausea
- Mood changes
The FSA has recently updated its guidelines to suggest individuals take no more than 10mg of CBD per day. So, it’s recommended to start on this lower dosage and a lower strength, and as an additional note, remember that you cannot vape CBD Oil, which is only made for oral consumption by placing a couple of drops under the tongue.