In case you haven’t noticed, there is an entire wave of marijuana legalisation efforts going on across the world (Hemp is often confused with marijuana, but they are grown/cultivated in a totally different way). The most publicised efforts are those in America, where medical marijuana is now legal in about half of the country. More than that, recreational marijuana has also become legal in a handful of states and there are surely more to come. Suffice to say, the taboo around marijuana and hemp is quickly falling by the wayside.
While it might have been permitted to conduct some research before, this new way in which the world is approaching marijuana has opened up a great deal more flexibility with this topic.
One result has been the rise of so-called CBD oil. Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is one of hundreds of compounds occurring in cannabis that belong to a class of molecules called cannabinoids. Another one is THC, which as you may know is the “psycho-active” compound that gets you “high”. Until recently, the taboo of “getting stoned” has gotten in the way.
Yet CBD doesn’t produce the affect that THC has on us. That means users do not “get stoned” when they take CBD, making it easier to study.
These positive elements to the cannabis-based CBD oil has started to change how it is seen and allowed for its usage in many countries.
Vaping CBD Oil is now Popular
Now that this hurdle has finally been overcome, we can finally let the cat out of the bag. We can now say that despite CBD not being legal for so long, there were many people already using it. Especially in extreme cases, it must have seemed unreasonable to ask people not to use CBD oil for vaping to help maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Because we already know that people were using CBD oil, there is an understanding of how they were using it too. There are, of course, different way to take in CBD oil. Some people would smoke it, using such items as a water bong. Others would mix it in with foods and create edible versions of their favourite foods infused with CBD. For some, dripping a few drops of concentrated CBD oil under their tongue was their preferred way.
And then there is vapour. With the rise of vapour products, more and more people have understood the potential, not only of making the switch but of using CBD for various needs.
Using CBD oil in your vapour device is as easy as it is popular. Just make sure your favourite vapour device is compatible with oils or wax. Vaping is one of the most popular ways for absorbing CBD, because it can be used on the go, and tastes great. It’s certainly not the only method and it isn’t for everyone, but it can be an excellent way to get your CBD.
As CBD and other cannabis oils are researched and popularised, expect to see an even greater surge of those reaching for a premium vaping device. It seems that vapour has become the go-to, to help support a healthier lifestyle. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by us, and we’re happy that the vapour movement continues to make inroads in so many different ways.
If you have any questions about CBD or this blog please contact VSAVI customer services or read our guide to CBD.