Let’s be clear from the beginning. There is a key difference between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). Although they both derive from the cannabis sativa plant, the reaction from the mind and body suggests a contrast.
THC is one of the main reasons for the ‘high’ that occurs for those who smoke cannabis (marijuana). CBD on the other hand is a non-psychoactive compound.
Therefore, it doesn’t cause a high and, in some studies, it’s even suggested it can help with things like anxiety, sleep disturbances and inflammation.
Below we answer an important question – whether even the smallest amount of THC found in a particular amount of CBD can cause a high. The answer will shed some light on the concern.
Does CBD Get You High?
CBD will not get you high, despite popular belief! It has some fantastic, reported benefits, which we're learning more about with each day and a new study that is presented to the public. These benefits are highlighted by many customers in reviews and forums, as the popularity and curiosity of CBD continues to grow, which is readily available throughout the UK online and in stores.
Because it’s not psychoactive, and any traces of THC are very minimal, CBD has more of a calming effect than anything else. While research is still in its infancy, we’re yet to fully understand the long-term effects of CBD on the body.
However, it’s important to bear in mind that it can cause some minor side effects, such as:
- Mild fatigue
- Crankiness
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
- Light-headedness
- Low blood pressure
But most importantly, you do not get that high. Any side effects should be mild.
And for those who start with CBD, whatever the type of CBD may be, whether that’s through vaping, creams, gummies or CBD oils orally, always start the dosage at a lower amount of 300mg. Then work your way up to the required amount that will have a positive impact on your daily routine.
There should be no psychoactive effects from CBD products. Providing you source your product from a respected website that clearly states the brand, list of ingredients (many sites now provide analysis reports of its entire properties) and the type of hemp, will help to ease any doubts.
THC - What Does it Do?
Like CBD, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC as it’s more commonly known, is one over a hundred cannabinoids discovered in the cannabis family of plants – of which the versatile and hardy hemp plant is also a member.
While the illegal cannabis plant has a reputation for getting one ‘high’ or ‘stoned’, the overriding feeling associated is predominantly provided by the psychoactive molecule THC.
In cannabis plants with a rich THC content, sticky crystals will form as the resin is secreted by the glands found in the flowers or ‘buds’ of the plant, which will also contain other cannabinoids such as CBD, THCV, CBN, CBG among many more.
It’s the prominence and high content of THC found in these plants that can cause users to experience hallucinations among other mental effects induced by absorbing the cannabinoid into your body. The percentage of THC found in cannabis can be anything up to 30%.
Impact of THC on the Brain Receptors
Both THC and CBD impact the cannabinoid type 1 receptor in the brain. But CBD blocks any intoxications, making it a much safer product to use, and approved by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).
THC intoxicates the mind and the body, activating the brain's receptors, and causing side effects such as problems with memory, concentration and judging situations.
It’s also known to cause dizziness, breathing problems, a faster heartbeat and even drowsiness. Other symptoms include nausea and issues with balance.
How Does CBD Differ From THC?
CBD is part of the same family as THC but creates a different reaction altogether. To begin with, there is no intoxication from this compound.
With any legally safe CBD product of good quality, it should state clearly on the packaging and website you purchase from that THC levels should be below the UK requirement of 0.2%. Because CBD can be isolated from THC, it can be used in all types of products without causing a THC-inspired reaction.
This is because the atoms of THC and CBD are arranged in different ways. It therefore creates a different body reaction, which is triggered by the receptors which influence the brain cells and how they communicate with one another.
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it – CBD does not cause a high because the levels of THC found in CBD are practically zero or at the very most low enough that it will not cause a reaction.
It’s intended as a food supplement to supplement your daily routine positively and is used by millions in the UK at all times of the day for different reasons using different methods.
What is your go-to CBD product and how would you use it? At Vsavi, we have some fantastic CBD products, from CBD oils to CBD e-liquids, that are all available with legally safe amounts of THC for a naturally occurring and tasty addition to your routine.
While CBD oils provide longer-lasting effects, vaping CBD is proving to be one of the most popular methods because it’s the fastest way to absorb CBD into the body. Try for yourself and let us know which gives you the best feeling when you need it!