Everything You Need to Know About Using CBD On Your Skin

Everything You Need to Know About Using CBD On Your Skin

The world of CBD is a wide and wonderful plane of ever-expanding and exponential discovery. Though no definitive remedial effects have been cast into the ether of public health, there is a wealth of information for all to explore. But have you ever thought about using CBD on your skin

What Happens When You Apply CBD to Skin?

CBD is one of many cannabinoids found within Cannabis Sativa plants - sourced and extracted from the non-psycho-active cousin, the hemp plant. By law, the hemp used for CBD products can only contain up to 0.1% THC therefore, you can rest safe in the knowledge that when using CBD products you won’t get high. 

CBD And Skin Care Products

As mentioned previously, there’s not necessarily an awful lot of research conducted that pertains to these potential benefits that CBD may yield on our skin and as scientists get to grips with the what, why and when, for the time being, it’s almost a case of seeing is believing. While the lack of conclusive evidence remains to be seen, that hasn’t stopped brands producing lotions and balms intended for topical application. You simply have to find the right CBD Product for you.

CBD And Celebrities

It isn’t just fervent followers of food supplements that are exploring the world of CBD. With awards season in full swing, a number of celebrities have been eluding to their secret weapon for their ventures down the red carpet – CBD.

Pre-Golden Globes, actress Busy Philips (Dawson’s Creek, Cougar Town) could be seen on Instagram speaking to fellow award-goer Kristen Bell (The Good Place, Gossip Girl) about applying CBD to her feet, regarding which potential shoe-choice to make. While supporters Michelle William and Mandy Moore have also been keen proponents for keeping their paws in check by using CBD products. 

Why not try CBD and see what it can do for you?

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