Living a plant-based life and wondering whether it’s safe to vape? Whether you’re vegetarian, kosher or even halal; a natural concern when approaching any new products is whether those products align with your values and beliefs. One such worry that may cross your mind is whether the ingredients that make up the e-liquid contained within your e-cigarette are safe to vape. Similarly to the rise in the use of e-cigarettes by former smokers, the number of those living a plant-based life in the UK has skyrocketed in recent years. In 2016 it was estimated that just 1% of the population followed meat-free...
Which do you choose? As the CBD industry blossoms and blooms, and as consumers begin to realise the very real benefits of taking both hemp and CBD oils as food supplements, it’s important to note that there are some significant differences between the two products. Similar in essence and origin, CBD oil and hemp oil are both derived from the hemp plant. Related to the cannabis plant that is rich in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is responsible for the psychoactive effects cannabis users experience, throughout time hemp has been cultivated on an industrial level for a plethora or purposes and importantly...
One of the questions that come back to haunt us time and time again is the validity of banning drugs at all? A relatively quick look at history should help us to form an opinion and provide a basis for government policy. In 1920 the USA passed the 18th Amendment which effectively banned the manufacture, sale and consumption of alcohol. Known as the Prohibition Era. The only real effect of this legislation was the creation of criminals and non-tax paying millionaires from the sales of alcohol on the Black Market. The ban on alcohol-fuelled a considerable demand. Gangs battled for...
Hemp is often confused for only being used for consumption for nutritional reasons, however the plant can also be used for many other purposes. Read here to find out more: